Mud Pie Glazed Terracotta Shell Handled Spreader | Nautilus Shell

Article number: 46300231N
Availability: In stock (3)
Delivery time: Standard - Ships Out The Same Day or Next Work Day!

Mud Pie Glazed Terracotta Shell Handled Spreader | Nautilus Shell. This brass finished spreader with glazed terracotta shell handle is perfect for detail touch in any beach house or coastal theme home. Arrives on corrugated card with raffia bow.

  • Size: 5.5 inches.

Shop Mud Pie Gifts Serve-ware Spreaders and table top decor for everyday and holiday entertaining available and In-Stock Now at the Digs N Gifts Mud Pie Store Shop On-line or Shop Local In-Store at 258 Commercial Blvd. Lauderdale By The Sea, Florida 33308.

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